Sleevelessness is a blog about graphic design, digital music and the web

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Goodbye Blogger, Hello Tumblr (Sleevelessness is moving)

A few months ago I started a Sleevelessness Tumblog which was intended to work as a scrapbook for things I might feature here, and a place to post items I considered “off topic” for this blog. Unfortunately for Blogger, Tumblr makes it much easier to quickly post content such as photos, video and music. It also automatically creates curly quotes and em dashes, saving the typographic obsessive in me from having to type all the entity codes manually in Blogger.

All this has meant that I’ve gradually moved from posting lots here, to posting lots on Tumblr. So now the time has come to do two things:

1. Move Sleevelessness to Tumblr with immediate effect.

2. Widen the scope of the blog to include the little things outside the music and / or design space which Tumblr has made it so easy for me to post.

Those of you who have subscribed to the Sleevelessness feed need do nothing. The feed is powered by Feedburner, so I’ll simply swap the Blogger feed source for the Tumblr one. I'm also going to redirect the domain to the tumblog. The Blogger blog will remain available as an archive at I may at some point get around to working out how to import these posts into Tumblr.

I'd like to thank all my readers for your continuing support. Please to get in touch if you notice any problems with the switch over.

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