Sleevelessness is a blog about graphic design, digital music and the web

Wednesday 30 January 2008

The random imaginary album generator

My colleague Neato's brother came up with this fun and often hilarious way to come up with your imaginary band's first album. Follow the steps below and you can go from zero to debut–album–hero in under five minutes.

First visit this random Wikipedia page and take the entry title for your band name.

Now go to this random quote generator, and take the last four words of the last quote for your
album title (you may need to generate a new list from the button at the

Finally go to this random selection from the most interesting pictures of the last seven days on Flickr and take the third image for your album cover.

Here's the “voluminous” debut album from my hot new two–piece:

Enjoy and please feel free to post links to your creations in the comments!


Unknown said...

The Hearer's Stomach Rise by Jose Bernal!

Steve McAfee said...

I'm very late to this party-this was really fun and I came up with "Golden Cuckoo-One Less person Inside"...see it here..

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